recent Renovation blogs
honeysuckle success story

honeysuckle success story

Over the past four or five years, we've had mixed success with our three honeysuckle plants. They have been moved around the garden quite a lot, due to some extensive renovation works, and last year, we dug them up out of big wooden planters, where they were supported...

a little bit of art deco design

a little bit of art deco design

Our Istrian stone house has not an iota of art deco about it. With a very traditional Mediterranean stone house structure, a Scandi inspired interior and a contemporary exterior, there's nothing at all that hints at this popular design style of the 1920s and 1930s....

repurposing a chimney pot

repurposing a chimney pot

One of the stranger things we packed into the back of the removal lorry when we came out to Istria, was the large clay, chimney pot which had been removed from the roof of our West Didsbury house, when we were renovating it, because it was redundant. I'm not sure why...

house reno : stairs : update 3

house reno : stairs : update 3

It's been a while since I first posted about the stairs which lead down from our living room, into what we now call The Snug. I'm glad to say that the very dangerous wooden stairs which we inherited have now been completely renovated and made a lot safer in the...

villa cesare : savudrija : istria

villa cesare : savudrija : istria

A little bit of a different renovation tale today. One that is slightly more ambitious than the one we have embarked upon! When we're out and about in Istria, we often stumble upon what we think are hidden treasures. Things that we think only we know about. Istria is...

our very unique feature

our very unique feature

Although the whole job isn't quite 100% complete, we do have a very, very unique feature in our house. If you've never seen any of our photos, or read any of our renovation blogs, you might not not know about our Well Room. And, that's clue. The name we call the room....

mandala window

mandala window

Although not overlooked, now that the small house has been demolished, we felt we needed to do something with the downstairs bathroom window. No-one can see you in the shower, because the house is elevated and so all we've looked out onto previously, has been the roof...

winter house maintenance

winter house maintenance

Our stone house in Istria isn't currently a holiday home. Having relocated from Manchester nearly seven years ago, we have lived here full time, renovating the house from top to bottom. We've lived through walls being knocked down and out, kitchens and bathrooms being...

private parking

private parking

We've never lived in a house before that has a private parking area. All of our previous properties have had on-road parking, and because we lived in busy Mancunian suburbs, parking could be tricky. Often, our car would be parked away from the house as you basically...

entrance to our home

entrance to our home

When we bought our house in Istria in 2016, it looked very different to how it does today. It was kind of quarter renovated. The roof was new. The guttering was new. Windows had been fitted. And that was just about it. But, we saw the potential - even seeing ahead, to...