There are certain foodstuffs that we buy, that I know should be so easy to make ourselves, but for some reason, never get around to it. Either, there’s something we don’t have from the ingredients list, Or, I just assume it won’t be as easy as I think it might. Pesto is one of these things. At least one jar, often more, is bought on every shop. Meaning more bottles to recycle and meaning always paying over the odds for something.
And, with the most recent haul in the garden being walnuts, we decided the the time had come to crack the pesto…
what you’ll need
- Two or three large cloves of garlic, unpeeled
- A cupful of walnuts – depends on the size of your cup, but this was the amount we used, above
- A big bunch of fresh basil leaves – again, it depends on how strong you want your pesto to be
- A chunk of fresh parmesan, grated. Same as with the basil, it’s all down to personal taste
- Olive oil – as above, re personal taste, as you can add more as necessary
what you’ll need to do
Toast the unpeeled, whole garlic, in olive oil. Once the skin begins to brown, remove from the pan and set aside. Once it’s cooled down, peel the skin away.
Toast the walnut kernels, for about 10 minutes, stirring in olive oil, so that they don’t burn.
Combine peeled garlic, walnuts, basil, parmesan cheese and olive oil in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. You’ll need to need to use a plastic scraper to mix the pesto as the walnuts tend to stick to the sides, until blended. This is also when you can add more parmesan and olive oil, depending on your taste and the kind of consistency you want to achieve
Season with salt & pepper according to your taste. And serve…