OK, if you have a nut allergy, DO NOT – and I repeat *DO NOT* – try out this recipe. If you don’t, and you are a fan of the pistachio nut, DO try it out. Because not only is it stupendously delicious, it is beyond easy to make, takes very little time, very little washing up and is not expensive. It’s become a bit of a staple for us, especially when hot evenings mean we don’t want to spend too long in the kitchen.
what you’ll need
(I’ve not added quantities as you’ll know how much pasta you want, how many nuts and how much parmesan etc.)
Pasta – spaghetti works well, as the pesto is quite thick, so clings to the strands – but have done it with penne & tagliatelle, and both are as good
Pistachio nuts
Parmesan cheese
Basil leaves
4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

what you’ll need to do
This could not be any easier. And if you find shelling pistachios to be very therapeutic, it’s the recipe for you!
Shell all the pistachios, put them in a blender and add the parmesan cheese, basil and oil. Meanwhile, cook the pasta.

Blending the nuts & cheese & basil leaves & oil
Transfer the pistachios mixture to a pan, and stir over a medium heat, adding pasta water to obtain a cream. When the pasta is cooked, add it to the pistachio cream and stir, adding more cooking water until you get the consistency you prefer.

Heating through the pistachio cream, adding pasta water to get your desired consistency
Serve and complete with chopped pistachios, parmesan and a basil leaves,and a sprinkle of black pepper.