getting green fingers…

I’ve never really been green-fingered. I’m very impatient when growing anything from seed, as I want results right NOW. When I want a riot of colour in my garden, I want it immediately, but I know it takes longer for seeds to germinate and bulbs to push themselves up through the spring soil. Although I am trying to be a whole lot more patient and bulbs are being planted, so if I sit on my hands, we will have snowdrops, and hyacinths and crocuses and aliums and delphiniums in the spring. However, I have decided that nature will be given more of a fighting chance in our house – but I also know my limitations and knowing that I will forget to water and nurture any indoor plants, I have had to opt for the sensible option. Succulent. Easy to grow, and hard to kill, I believe…

Crassula – there’s a reason why it’s so widely grown, and that’s because it’s virtually impossible to kill…Low maintenance, and don’t require fussing over, and still look good. They are also forgiving of over-watering and other mishandling…

These sound like my kinda plants. And I think I’m also doing good too, because the ones I’ve sourced, are from this company – and I like what they say :

The Kokodama Foundation is supporting children of less privileged communities in Sri Lanka.

The little half globes that they sit in are like coconut husks, which are handmade of natural fibre, sustainable and “fair made”. I even did a little bit of creative stuff myself, when I plaited some twine to make one of the plants in the window, hang longer than the other one. Maybe nature really is inspiring me…

Published on 27th January 2018